Hugh Nguyen v. Tesla Inc.
DEFENDANT NAME: Tesla, Inc. d/b/a/ tesla motors, inc.
CASE NUMBER: 8:19-cv-01422-JLS-JDE
COURT: U.S. District Court for the central district of california
STATUS: Active
DATE FILED: 07/23/2019
KEY ATTORNEYS: edward c. chen
Did you purchase a used/certified pre-owned Tesla model s or model x vehicle between April 2015 - now?
You may be entitled to compensation for TESla’s failure to provide the required federal trade commission’s “buyer’s guide”
Tesla’s failure to adhere to the federal trade commission’s “used car rule” may have affected your rights and warranties for your model s or model x vehicle. if you paid out of pocket for battery tests to be conducted by a tesla service center, you may be entitled to reimbursement.
we know tesla
We are knowledgeable about electric vehicles and understand the technology behind Tesla’s vehicles. As electric vehicle enthusiasts, we own and drive cars made by Tesla just like you. And just like you, we want to hold Tesla accountable for their unfair business practices, deceptive business advertisements, and fraudulent marketing strategies.
There is no out-of-pocket cost or fee to join this case. In the event that we obtain a settlement that provides benefits to the class members, the court will determine and award reasonable fees and costs to the attorneys for the class.